Foundation Pistol
Service Description
Ready to take the next step after receiving your Concealed Weapons Permit? Are you wanting to improve your handling of your handgun, or attend addditional advanced courses? Our Foundation Pistol Course is EXACTLY what you are looking for. This course instills the “good habits” and proper techniques for weapon manipulation which creates a solid foundation of knowledge. Through repetitive and precise movments learn the proper steps for; drawing your weapon, reloading , diagnosing and clearing malfunctions, different firing positions, and much more. This course will also instruct you on how to train yourself at home or at the range. through dryfire drills and proficiency challenges you will become a more proficient shooter. This course requires NO AMMUNITION and minimal equipment. Course fee is ($60)
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
447 Scuffletown Rd, Ruffin, SC 29475, USA